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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
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DAMPAK KULIAH SAMBIL BEKERJA” (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Universitas Riau yang Bekerja sebagai Operator Warnet) Wensly. s, Yunus Radianto; Kadarisman, Yoskar
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 1 (2016): WISUDA FEBRUARI 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The purpose of this research is to know Working while Schooling case study Students of Riau University who Work around Bina Widya Campus as Internet Cafe Operator, which is (1) Reasons of Students of Riau University in Bina Widya Campus who choose to work while have a lecture in spending their leisure time (2) Behavioral Impacts of Students of Riau University in Bina Widya Campus who work while have a lecture.The research uses qualitative descriptive approach method with phenomenology. The data sources of this research are humans (informan), activity, place and another document to support this research. Footage techniques in this research is purposive. Data collection uses direct observation, interviews and documentation. Triangulation source is used to seek the validity of the data. The analysis technique is interactive analysis model.According to the result of the research, it can be concluded that the first reasons of Students of Riau University in Bina Widya Campus working while schooling can be seen through (1) The purpose of working while schooling is fulfilling the economic needs because of the difficult family economic condition, filling their lisure time with the productive activity and intending to find a new experience. (2) Employments which are taken by Students of Riau University in Bina Widya Campus are employments that use shift system. (3) In working, Students of Riau University in Bina Widya Campus consider several things that become their reasons to choose the employment, such as a job that has flexible office hours, it does not have any special requirements for the employee, the rules as an employee are not binding, fit to skills and hobbies and consider the dormitory rules and regulations. Second, working while schooling that is done as utilizing leisure time culture has postive and negative impacts for Students of Riau University in Bina Widya Campus. The positive impacts of working while schooling are getting the new experience and the new knowledge, Capability of living independently and adding more friends or expanding the association. Whereas the negative impacts occur when students don’t manage the time well. The negative impacts are attending the lectures late, being late in collecting the tasks, learning time becomes reduced, Intention to attend class is very low, low interaction with friends in the class.Keywords: The Impact Schooling while Working As Internet Cafe Operator
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 1 (2016): WISUDA FEBRUARI 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The development of a city marked by the increasing amount of vehicles. Along with that possession of the driver license are indispensable. To obtain a driver license, the driver must have a driving competency can be acquired through education and training common in driving schools. With all the benefits from driving school, certainly it can be used as income for the entrepreneur. Observing the development of Pekanbaru that has become the target for any entrepreneur in making businesses or to develop bussinesses, it is not missed. And the number of driving schools that exist in Pekanbaru city, proves that this business is very promising.This research aims to look at the implementation of business license driving school in Pekanbaru city and along with the obstacle factors. This research using descriptive qualitative methods of analysis which is explain the occurrence of the phenomenon. In data collection, researchers using observation and interview with the informant as an object information that is aimed for getting information in research. The kind of data that used in this research is primary data and secondary data.From the research results obtained are still many driving schools that don’t have permission so the implementation license can not be said good yet. The obstacle factors include the awareness of driving school entrepreneur to register his business, the process of arrangement letter that takes too long and the lack of benefits received by driving school entrepreneur have a business license.Keywords : Implementation, License, Driving School, Business
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 1 (2016): WISUDA FEBRUARI 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Village government in implementing the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringging and to determine the factors inhibiting and supporting the role of Village government in the implementation of the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringging.This research was conducted in the of Village Sungai Geringin Kecamatan Kampar Kiri, Kabupaten Kampar district in Riau province. In determining informant in this study determined people who know and get involved in the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringin Kecamatan Kampar Kiri, Kabupaten Kampar, then the necessary data, including primary data and secondary data. For data collection techniques done by interview, observation and literature study. Data analysis method used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis method.The village governments role in the implementation of the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringging include: 1) improving the quality of human resources of farmers through extension activities and training for farmers onion. 2) provide capital assistance through a revolving fund for farmers onion, this event seeks to help the onion farmers in order to increase agricultural output onion. Assistance provided in the form of compost, seedlings of onion and some farm implements. 3) improve the marketing network of onion because farmers prefer to sell their harvest in place / in the fields. 4) the provision of infrastructure /agricultural infrastructure onion. The inhibiting factor onion planting program in Village Sungai Geringging are 1) lack of human resources involved in implementing the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringging, both in terms of village government and farmers groups onion. 2) the limited budget given to the farmer groups onion in Village Sungai Geringging. 3) the environmental conditions in Village Sungai Geringging erratic which has an impact on the growth of onion in Village Sungai Geringging.Keywords: Role, the Village Government, Planting Program Shallots
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 1 (2016): WISUDA FEBRUARI 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This research was conducted in rural districts Ganting salo Kampar district. The purpose of this study was to analyze the social, cultural, and economic as well as the impact it had on the social environment for women to use drugs. Obtain the necessary data in this study, the authors collected data to descend directly to the location of research and observation and do in-depth interviews. Informants in this study amounted to 5 people. The data obtained was processed in the form of descriptive qualitative analysis. The conclusion from this study is the subject of the age of 36-41 years amounted to 4 people, and aged 41 years and over amounted to 1, the average junior high school graduate informants are all Muslim. All informants residing in their own homes and rata2 mendeliong tribes. And as for drivers of women using drugs there are three reasons caused due to suicide, environmental factors, and the availability of drugs. The research of the results are the background factors of women using drugs terdiriri of factors intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factor is composed of : Religion, Family, Intelligence. While extrinsic factors consist of: Intercourse and social environment, education, economy. Drug abuse carried out by women in the analysis by the lack of faith in women causes women to be involved with drug abuse. Tip : For a family, it gives more attention to the families of both women as wives and women as children. For the government, the public should be more concerned about the economic difficulties the women who formed a working group in order to be more independent woman. For the informant, the informant should be more open to their families if they have heavy loads and any issues.Keywords: Impact, Causes and Drugs

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